Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Stephen Taylor - Local Lafayette, LA Aviation Business Manager

Stephen Taylor is a local Lafayette, LA aviation business manager. He earned an MBA from Ohio State University and went into business management in the aviation industry. He came to Lafayette as the Director of International Operations for PHI, Inc. Taylor started his 20-year career in the aviation industry after becoming a Marine Corps pilot. Here are the four stages of training all prospective Marine Corps pilots have to complete:

Pre-indoctrination. In this stage, prospective clients learn the basics about aerodynamics and basic aircraft maintenance and operation. Stephen Taylor of Lafayette, LA learned about aviation physiology, proper engine maintenance, navigation and more.
Primary flight training. Before the prospective pilots begin to specialize in their aircraft of choice, they have to log 67 hours in the air flying a T-34C. They also have to spend another 166 hours in the classroom at this stage.

Intermediate flight training. Here is where Stephen Taylor decided he wanted to fly helicopters, a decision that led him to a position at an aviation company in Lafayette, LA.
Advanced flight training. Prospective pilots round out their training with additional training time in the aircraft of their choice.

 Stephen Taylor Lafayette, LA soon became an obvious choice for an executive position at PHI, Inc. in Lafayette, LA, the largest operator of 14 CFR 135 helicopters in the United States after his specialization in flying helicopters.